Friday, February 15, 2013

ZK Pivottable: Highlight Changed Cells and Update Values Partially


This article describe how to update the live data partially as needed and highlight changed cells based on their status.

* Basic concept:

If the values are changed but structure is the same, update data partially

If the structure is changed, set new pivot model to pivottable and sync status of each cell


Get Value from Pivot Model

Compare Pivotmodel Structure

Sync Structure of Pivot Model

Compare Value of Specific Cell

Update Pivottable by Javascript

The Program


A pivottable, a textbox to display the added data, a button to add data, a pivot field control to control the fields in pivottable, also contains the javascript function to update the cells of pivottable.

    <!-- Tested with ZK 6.0.2 EE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0 -->
        function update (items) {
            if (items && items.length > 0) {
                var dataRow = jq('.z-pivottable-cell-field')[0].parentNode,
                    currentRow = 0,
                // for each item
                for (idx = 0; idx < items.length; idx++) {
                    item = items[idx];
                    rowIdx = item.rowIdx;
                    colIdx = item.colIdx;
                    val = item.val;
                    dir = item.dir;
                    style = '';
                    // find row
                    while (currentRow < rowIdx) {
                        dataRow = dataRow.nextSibling;
                    // find cell
                    cell = jq(dataRow).find('td')[colIdx];
                    // create style
                    if (dir) style = (dir == 'up'? 'style="color: green;"' : 'style="color: red;"');
                    // update cell with style
                    cell.firstChild.innerHTML = '<span '+style+'>' + val + '</span>';
    <!-- window, apply a SelectorComposer -->
    <window id="win" apply="test.PVTPartialUpdateComposer">
            <textbox id="tbx" value="Added values: " width="800px" rows="10" />
            <!-- pivottable, get model from window's composer -->
            <pivottable id="pivottable" model="${win$composer.pivotModel}"
                pageSize="9999" />
            <button id="btn" label="test add" />
            <pivot-field-control id="pfc" />

Update changed cells or sync all cell as needed.

package test;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.zkoss.pivot.Calculator;
import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotHeaderNode;
import org.zkoss.pivot.Pivottable;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotModel;
import org.zkoss.pivot.ui.PivotFieldControl;

import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Clients;
import org.zkoss.zul.Textbox;

 * Tested with ZK 6.0.2 EE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0
 * @author benbai123
public class PVTPartialUpdateComposer extends SelectorComposer {
     * generated serial version UID
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -2897873399288955635L;
    private Textbox tbx;
    private Pivottable pivottable;
    private PivotFieldControl pfc;

    private DecimalFormat floatFormat = new DecimalFormat("##,###.00");
    private DecimalFormat intFormat = new DecimalFormat("##,###");
    // model used by pivottable
    // the model used by pivottable currently
    private TabularPivotModel _pivotModel;

    // copy of first model
    // used to determine the status of cells
    private TabularPivotModel _pivotModelFirstSnapshot;

    // model contains the newest raw data
    private TabularPivotModel _latestPivotModel;

    // used to store the value of current view
    private List<Number> _currentValues = null;

    // newest raw data
    private List<List<Object>> _latestRawData;

    public void doAfterCompose (Component comp) throws Exception {
        // init pivot field control
     * Get pivottable's model, also make a snapshot of it
     * @return TabularPivotModel the pivottable's model
     * @throws Exception
    public TabularPivotModel getPivotModel () throws Exception {
        if (_pivotModel == null) {
            _pivotModel = PVTModelProvider.getPivotModel();

            _pivotModelFirstSnapshot = PVTUtils.createModelSnapshot(_pivotModel);

            // init latest raw data
            _latestRawData = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
            // init latest pivot model
            _latestPivotModel = _pivotModel;
        return _pivotModel;

     * Display the current content of pivottable
     * @throws Exception 
    @Listen ("onClick = #btn")
    public void addData () throws Exception {
        // used to collect new data to display in textbox
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
        List<List<Object>> newData = PVTModelProvider.getNewDatas(sb);
        if (newData != null && newData.size() > 0) {
            tbx.setValue(tbx.getValue() + "\n" + sb.toString());
            _latestPivotModel = PVTUtils.cloneModelWithData(_pivotModel, _latestRawData); 
            if (PVTUtils.isStructureEqual(_pivotModel, _latestPivotModel, true, false)) {
                updateChangedData(_pivotModel, _latestPivotModel);
            } else {
                // clear stored value if structure is changed
                _currentValues = null;
                _pivotModel = _latestPivotModel;
     * called when a node is opened/closed
    @Listen ("onPivotNodeOpen = #pivottable")
    public void onPvtOpen () {
     * called when the fields of pivottable are changed
    @Listen ("onPivotFieldControlChange = #pfc")
    public void syncModelStructure () {
        PVTUtils.syncModelStructure(_pivotModel, _pivotModelFirstSnapshot);
     * sync model structure and all cell status as needed
    private void syncOrReplace () {
        // drop old values however
        _currentValues = null;
        // sync model structure if not the same instance
        if (_pivotModel != _latestPivotModel) {
            PVTUtils.syncModelStructure(_pivotModel, _latestPivotModel);
        if (_pivotModel == _latestPivotModel
            || PVTUtils.isStructureEqual(_pivotModel, _latestPivotModel, true, false)) {
        } else {
            _pivotModel = _latestPivotModel;
     * update changed data only
     * @param currentModel
     * @param newModel
    private void updateChangedData (TabularPivotModel currentModel, TabularPivotModel newModel) {
        // keep it as long as possible to reduce processing time,
        // another choice is drop it each time to reduce memory consumption
        if (_currentValues == null) {
     * store values of current view of pivottable
    private void storeValue () {

        _currentValues = new ArrayList<Number>();

        List<PivotHeaderNode> rows = PVTUtils.getRowLeafList(_pivotModel);
        List<PivotHeaderNode> columns = PVTUtils.getColumnLeafList(_pivotModel);


        for (PivotHeaderNode row : rows) { // for each row
            // store original data
            storeCurrentValues(_pivotModel, row, columns, -1);

            // not first level row node
            if (row.getDepth() > 1) {
                PivotHeaderNode tmpRow = row;
                PivotHeaderNode parentRow = tmpRow.getParent();
                // continuously check ancestors
                // do if not first level and is last child
                while (tmpRow.getDepth() > 1
                        && PVTUtils.isLastChild(parentRow, tmpRow)) {
                    for (int calIdx = 0; calIdx < parentRow.getSubtotalCount(false); calIdx++) {
                        // store row subtotal
                        storeCurrentValues(_pivotModel, parentRow, columns, calIdx);
                    tmpRow = parentRow;
                    parentRow = tmpRow.getParent();

    /** loop through cells of a row
     * store values of current view of pivottable
     * @param model the model of current pivottable
     * @param row the row to loop through each cell
     * @param columns columns of row
     * @param rowCalIdx calculator index of row
    private void storeCurrentValues (TabularPivotModel model, 
            PivotHeaderNode row, List<PivotHeaderNode> columns, int rowCalIdx) {
        // the length of data fields under a column
        int dataFieldsLength = model.getDataFields().length;
        // for each column
        for (PivotHeaderNode column : columns) {
            // for each data field
            for (int i = 0; i < dataFieldsLength; i++) {
                // get data value from pivot model by row node, column node and data index
                _currentValues.add(model.getValue(row, rowCalIdx, column, -1, i));
                // last data and
                // not first level node
                if (i+1 == dataFieldsLength
                    && column.getDepth() > 1) {
                    PivotHeaderNode tmpCol = column;
                    PivotHeaderNode parentColumn = tmpCol.getParent();
                    // continuously check ancestors
                    // do if not first level and is last child
                    while (tmpCol.getDepth() > 1
                            && PVTUtils.isLastChild(parentColumn, tmpCol)) {
                        // for each column calculator
                        for (int calIdx = 0; calIdx < parentColumn.getSubtotalCount(false); calIdx++) {
                            // again, for each data field
                            for (int j = 0; j < dataFieldsLength; j++) {
                                // get data value from pivot model by row node, column node and data index
                                _currentValues.add(model.getValue(row, rowCalIdx, parentColumn, calIdx, j));
                        tmpCol = parentColumn;
                        parentColumn = tmpCol.getParent();

     * execute script to update client side cells of pivottable
     * @param syncAll true: sync status of each cell, false: update changed cell only
    private void doUpdate (boolean syncAll) {

        // used to store the update script
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");

        // get row/column nodes from latest pivot model
        List<PivotHeaderNode> rows = PVTUtils.getRowLeafList(_latestPivotModel);
        List<PivotHeaderNode> columns = PVTUtils.getColumnLeafList(_latestPivotModel);
        // add column root for grand total for columns
        // add row root for grand total for rows
        // init Position object, track the index of row/cell,
        // also track index of current value if not syncAll as needed
        Position pos = new Position(0, 0);
        // init CellAttributes object, track the attributes of a cell while loop through nodes
        CellAttributes cell = new CellAttributes(null, null, null, null, null);

        // script start
        // iterate through current view to add the elements to update
        for (PivotHeaderNode row : rows) { // for each row
            // add row keys and clear other attributes
            cell.updateAttributes(PVTUtils.getNodeKeys(row), null, null, null, null);
            // add elements to update
            addUpdateElements(_latestPivotModel, row, columns, -1, sb, pos, cell, syncAll);
            // to the first column of next row

            // not first level row node,
            // have to check and update parent sub-total if
            // current row is the last child
            if (row.getDepth() > 1) {
                PivotHeaderNode tmpRow = row;
                PivotHeaderNode parentRow = tmpRow.getParent();
                // continuously check ancestors
                // do if not first level and is last child
                while (tmpRow.getDepth() > 1
                        && PVTUtils.isLastChild(parentRow, tmpRow)) {
                    parentRow = tmpRow.getParent();
                    for (int calIdx = 0; calIdx < parentRow.getSubtotalCount(false); calIdx++) {
                        addUpdateElements(_latestPivotModel, parentRow, columns, calIdx, sb, pos, cell, syncAll);
                    tmpRow = parentRow;
                    parentRow = tmpRow.getParent();

        // remove last comma
        if (sb.substring(sb.length()-1).equals(",")) {
            sb.replace(sb.length()-1, sb.length(), "");

        String cmd = sb.toString();
        if (!"update([]);".equals(cmd)) {

     * loop through whole row to check
     * and add elements to update as needed
     * @param model the latest model
     * @param row the row to loop through
     * @param columns all columns of row
     * @param rowCalIdx calculator index of row
     * @param sb StringBuilder to append elements to update
     * @param pos Position class to track current position and pointer of old value list
     * @param cell CellAttributes class to track cell information
     * @param syncAll whether to sync all cell status or update changed value only
    private void addUpdateElements (TabularPivotModel model, 
            PivotHeaderNode row, List<PivotHeaderNode> columns, int rowCalIdx,
            StringBuilder sb, Position pos, CellAttributes cell, boolean syncAll) {
        TabularPivotField[] dataFields = model.getDataFields();
        // the length of data fields under a column
        int dataFieldsLength = dataFields.length;

        for (PivotHeaderNode column : columns) { // for each column
            // for each data field
            for (int i = 0; i < dataFieldsLength; i++) {

                addUpdateElement(_pivotModelFirstSnapshot, _currentValues, cell,
                        model.getValue(row, rowCalIdx, column, -1, i), pos, sb, syncAll);
                // get data value from pivot model by row node, column node and data index

                // last data and
                // not first level node
                if (i+1 == dataFieldsLength
                    && column.getDepth() > 1) {
                    PivotHeaderNode tmpCol = column;
                    PivotHeaderNode parentColumn = tmpCol.getParent();
                    // continuously check ancestors
                    // do if not first level and is last child
                    while (tmpCol.getDepth() > 1
                            && PVTUtils.isLastChild(parentColumn, tmpCol)) {

                        // for each column calculator
                        for (int calIdx = 0; calIdx < parentColumn.getSubtotalCount(false); calIdx++) {
                            Calculator cal = parentColumn.getField().getSubtotals()[calIdx];

                            // again, for each data field
                            for (int j = 0; j < dataFieldsLength; j++) {
                                addUpdateElement(_pivotModelFirstSnapshot, _currentValues, cell,
                                        model.getValue(row, rowCalIdx, parentColumn, calIdx, j), pos, sb, syncAll);
                                // get data value from pivot model by row node, column node and data index

                        tmpCol = parentColumn;
                        parentColumn = tmpCol.getParent();
                    // clear column calculator if any before next loop
     * add the element to update to StringBuilder as needed
     * @param basemodel the model as the compare base
     * @param valueList the list of old values (might be null if not syncAll)
     * @param cell attributes describe current cell
     * @param value latest value of current cell
     * @param pos position of the row/column in current view of pivottable
     * @param sb StringBuilder contains update script
     * @param syncAll whether sync all cell or update changed cell only
    private void addUpdateElement (TabularPivotModel basemodel, List<Number> valueList,
            CellAttributes cell, Number value, Position pos, StringBuilder sb, boolean syncAll) {
        String dir;
        // sync all
        if (syncAll) {
            dir = PVTUtils.getDirection(basemodel, cell, value);
            // status 'up' or 'down'
            if (dir != null && !dir.isEmpty()) {
                addUpdateElement(pos.getRowIdx(), pos.getColIdx(), value, dir, sb);
        } else {
            // sync changed
            int ptr = pos.getPtr();
            if (value != null) {
                Number oldv = valueList.get(ptr);
                double valToComp = (oldv == null? 0 : oldv.doubleValue());
                // value changed
                if (value.doubleValue() != valToComp) {
                    dir = PVTUtils.getDirection(basemodel, cell, value);
                    addUpdateElement(pos.getRowIdx(), pos.getColIdx(), value, dir, sb);
                    // update value list
                    valueList.set(ptr, value);
    private void addUpdateElement (int rowIdx, int colIdx, Number val, String dir, StringBuilder sb) {
            .append(val instanceof Integer ? intFormat.format(val) : floatFormat.format(val)).append("',");
        if (dir != null) {

Provide first pivot model and add data.

package test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import org.zkoss.pivot.Calculator;
import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.StandardCalculator;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotModel;

 * Provide pivot model, create new data
 * @author benbai123
public class PVTModelProvider {
     * Get pivottable's model, also make a snapshot of it
     * @return TabularPivotModel the pivottable's model
     * @throws Exception
    public static TabularPivotModel getPivotModel () throws Exception {
        List<List<Object>> rawData = getData();
        TabularPivotModel pivotModel;
        pivotModel = new TabularPivotModel(rawData, getColumns());

        // assign rows, the order matches to the level of row node field
        pivotModel.setFieldType("RowOne", PivotField.Type.ROW);
        pivotModel.setFieldType("RowTwo", PivotField.Type.ROW);
        pivotModel.setFieldType("RowThree", PivotField.Type.ROW);

        // assign columns, the order matches to the level of column node field
        pivotModel.setFieldType("ColumnOne", PivotField.Type.COLUMN);
        pivotModel.setFieldType("ColumnTwo", PivotField.Type.COLUMN);
        pivotModel.setFieldType("ColumnThree", PivotField.Type.COLUMN);

        // assign datas, the order matches to the order of data field
        pivotModel.setFieldType("DataOne", PivotField.Type.DATA);
        pivotModel.setFieldType("DateTwo", PivotField.Type.DATA);

        PivotField field = pivotModel.getField("RowOne");
        pivotModel.setFieldSubtotals(field, new Calculator[] {StandardCalculator.SUM, StandardCalculator.MAX});
        field = pivotModel.getField("RowTwo");
        pivotModel.setFieldSubtotals(field, new Calculator[] {StandardCalculator.SUM, StandardCalculator.MAX});
        field = pivotModel.getField("ColumnOne");
        pivotModel.setFieldSubtotals(field, new Calculator[] {StandardCalculator.SUM, StandardCalculator.MAX});
        field = pivotModel.getField("ColumnTwo");
        pivotModel.setFieldSubtotals(field, new Calculator[] {StandardCalculator.SUM, StandardCalculator.MAX});

        return pivotModel;

     * prepare the data for pivottable's model
     * The order of object put into data list should match
     * the order of column name's
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static List<List<Object>> getData() throws Exception {
        List<List<Object>> result = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
        Random r = new Random();

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            List<Object> data = new ArrayList<Object>();
            data.add("RowOne - " + (r.nextInt(2) + 1));
            data.add("RowTwo - " + (r.nextInt(2) + 1));
            data.add("RowThree - " + (r.nextInt(2) + 1));
            data.add("ColumnOne - " + (r.nextInt(2) + 1));
            data.add("ColumnTwo - " + (r.nextInt(2) + 1));
            data.add("ColumnThree - " + (r.nextInt(2) + 1));
        return result;
     * prepare columns name for pivottable's model
     * @return
    public static List<String> getColumns() {
        return Arrays.asList(new String[]{
                "RowOne", "RowTwo", "RowThree",
                "ColumnOne", "ColumnTwo", "ColumnThree",
                "DataOne", "DateTwo"
     * Generate some random data
     * @return
    public static List<List<Object>> getNewDatas(StringBuilder sb) {
        List<List<Object>> result = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
        Random r = new Random();
        int amount = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
            List<Object> data = new ArrayList<Object>();
            Object o;
            o = "RowOne - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1);
            sb.append("add: ")
            o = "RowTwo - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1);
            o = "RowThree - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1);
            o = "ColumnOne - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1);
            o = "ColumnTwo - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1);
            o = "ColumnThree - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1);
            o = -5 + r.nextInt(11); // -5 ~ 5
            o = -5 + r.nextInt(11);
        return result;

A bunch of utilities to handle/retrieve status of pivot model, most of them are part of previous posts.

package test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.zkoss.pivot.Calculator;
import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotHeaderNode;
import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotHeaderTree;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotModel;

 * Utilities to handle/retrieve pivot model status
 * @author benbai123
public class PVTUtils {
    public static int INDEX_NOT_FOUND = -2;
    public static PivotHeaderNode NODE_NOT_FOUND = null;

     * Create snapshot of a pivot model
     * @param model
     * @return
    public static TabularPivotModel createModelSnapshot (TabularPivotModel model) {
        // copy raw data
        List<List<Object>> rawData = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();

        TabularPivotField[] fields = model.getFields();

        // get columns from old model
        List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>();
        // set field
        for (TabularPivotField tpf : fields) {

        TabularPivotModel snapShot = new TabularPivotModel(rawData, columns);
        syncModelStructure(model, snapShot);
        return snapShot;
     * Create a new pivot model based on
     * current pivot model and new data 
     * @param model
     * @param newData
     * @return
    public static TabularPivotModel cloneModelWithData (TabularPivotModel model, List<List<Object>>newData) {
        TabularPivotField[] fields = model.getFields();

        // get columns from old model
        List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>();
        // set field
        for (TabularPivotField tpf : fields) {

        TabularPivotModel newModel = new TabularPivotModel(newData, columns);
        PVTUtils.syncModelStructure(model, newModel);
        return newModel;
     * called when the fields of first pivottable are changed
    public static void syncModelStructure (TabularPivotModel model, TabularPivotModel modelTwo) {
        syncFields(model.getRowFields(), modelTwo);
        syncFields(model.getColumnFields(), modelTwo);
        syncFields(model.getDataFields(), modelTwo);
        syncFields(model.getFields(PivotField.Type.UNUSED), modelTwo);
        syncOpenStatus(model.getRowHeaderTree().getRoot(), modelTwo.getRowHeaderTree().getRoot(), false);
        syncOpenStatus(model.getColumnHeaderTree().getRoot(), modelTwo.getColumnHeaderTree().getRoot(), false);
    private static void syncFields (TabularPivotField[] fields, TabularPivotModel model) {
        for (TabularPivotField f : fields) {
            model.setFieldType(f.getFieldName(), f.getType());

            PivotField field = model.getField(f.getFieldName());
            model.setFieldSubtotals(field, f.getSubtotals());
     * Synchronize the open status of two pivot header trees
     * @param root the root of the base pivot header tree (or its sub trees)
     * @param rootTwo the root of the pivot header tree (or its sub trees) to sync
     * @param checkAll whether sync whole tree, <br>
     * true: sync whole tree, put every node of base pivot header tree into open list to sync<br>
     * false: sync only current view, only put the displayed node into open list to sync
    private static void syncOpenStatus (PivotHeaderNode root, PivotHeaderNode rootTwo, boolean checkAll) {
        Map<Object, PivotHeaderNode> originalOpenMap = new HashMap<Object, PivotHeaderNode>();

        // sync displayed node only if not checkAll
        // so do not need to scan whole header tree
        for (PivotHeaderNode node : root.getChildren()) {
            // checkAll: sync each node
            // !checkAll: sync displayed node
            if (checkAll
                || (node.getDepth() == 1 || node.getParent().isOpen())) {
                originalOpenMap.put(node.getKey(), node);
        // for each node in children of rootTwo
        for (PivotHeaderNode newNode : rootTwo.getChildren()) {
            PivotHeaderNode node = originalOpenMap.get(newNode.getKey());
            if (node != null) {
                // recursively sync sub trees
                syncOpenStatus(node, newNode, checkAll);
     * Check whether two pivot models are structure-equal
     * @param modelOne the first pivot model
     * @param modelTwo the second pivot model
     * @param openedOnly whether only check the opened nodes and leaf
     * @param openedOnly whether only check the leaf nodes
     * @return boolean
    public static boolean isStructureEqual (TabularPivotModel modelOne, TabularPivotModel modelTwo, boolean openedOnly, boolean leafOnly) {
        boolean equal = true;

        List<PivotHeaderNode> rows = getNodeList(modelOne.getRowHeaderTree(), openedOnly, leafOnly);
        List<PivotHeaderNode> columns = getNodeList(modelOne.getColumnHeaderTree(), openedOnly, leafOnly);
        List<PivotHeaderNode> rowsTwo = getNodeList(modelTwo.getRowHeaderTree(), openedOnly, leafOnly);
        List<PivotHeaderNode> columnsTwo = getNodeList(modelTwo.getColumnHeaderTree(), openedOnly, leafOnly);
        TabularPivotField[] dataFields = modelOne.getDataFields();
        TabularPivotField[] dataFieldsTwo = modelTwo.getDataFields();

        if (rows.size() != rowsTwo.size()
            || columns.size() != columnsTwo.size()
            || dataFields.length != dataFieldsTwo.length) {
            equal = false;
        } else {
            equal = isNodesEqual(rows, rowsTwo, openedOnly) && isNodesEqual(columns, columnsTwo, openedOnly);
        return equal;
     * check whether a node is the last child of specified parent node
     * @param parent
     * @param node
     * @return
    public static boolean isLastChild (PivotHeaderNode parent, PivotHeaderNode node) {
        List<? extends PivotHeaderNode> children = parent.getChildren();
        // use == to make sure they are the same instance
        return node.getParent() == parent
                && children.get(children.size()-1) == node;
    public static List<PivotHeaderNode> getRowLeafList (TabularPivotModel model) {
        return PVTUtils.getNodeList(model.getRowHeaderTree(), true, true);
    public static  List<PivotHeaderNode> getColumnLeafList (TabularPivotModel model) {
        return PVTUtils.getNodeList(model.getColumnHeaderTree(), true, true);
     * Get pivot nodes in a pivot header tree
     * @param headerTree the pivot header tree to get pivot nodes
     * @param openedOnly whether get only the opened nodes and leaf
     * @param leafOnly whether get only leaf node
     * @return
    public static List<PivotHeaderNode> getNodeList (PivotHeaderTree headerTree, boolean openedOnly, boolean leafOnly) {
        PivotHeaderNode root = headerTree.getRoot();
        List<PivotHeaderNode> all = new ArrayList<PivotHeaderNode>();
        List<PivotHeaderNode> nodes = new ArrayList<PivotHeaderNode>();
        List<PivotHeaderNode> tmp = new ArrayList<PivotHeaderNode>();
        nodes = (List<PivotHeaderNode>)root.getChildren();

        // all: all target nodes
        // nodes: the node list to loop through
        // tmp: temp store the children while loop through nodes
        boolean foundAllNodes = false;
        while (!foundAllNodes) {
            foundAllNodes = true;
            for (PivotHeaderNode phn : nodes) {
                // get only opened and leaf nodes
                // if opened only
                if (phn.isOpen() || !openedOnly) {
                    List<PivotHeaderNode> children = (List<PivotHeaderNode>)phn.getChildren();
                    if (children != null && children.size() > 0) {
                        foundAllNodes = false;
                    } else {
                        // add to all if haven't found any children
                        // so do not need to loop through them again
                        if (foundAllNodes && leafOnly) {
                        } else {
                            // already found some children,
                            // add to tmp to make the order correct 
                } else {
                    if (foundAllNodes && leafOnly) {
                    } else {
            if (!leafOnly) {
            nodes = tmp;
            tmp = new ArrayList<PivotHeaderNode>();
        return all;

     * Compare the nodes under two node lists one by one
     * @param list the first node list
     * @param listTwo the second node list
     * @param openedOnly whether compare calculator according to open status
     * @return
    private static boolean isNodesEqual (List<PivotHeaderNode> list, List<PivotHeaderNode> listTwo, boolean openedOnly) {
        boolean equal = true;
        int i, j;
        // compare nodes
        for (i = 0; i < list.size() && equal; i++) {
            PivotHeaderNode node = list.get(i);
            PivotHeaderNode nodeTwo = listTwo.get(i);

            // key should be equal
            // depth should be equal
            // subtotal count should be equal
            // openedOnly: get subtotal count according to the open stats of node
            // !openedOnly: get subtotal count as the node is opened
            if (!node.getKey().equals(nodeTwo.getKey())
                || node.getDepth() != nodeTwo.getDepth()
                || node.getSubtotalCount(node.isOpen() || !openedOnly) != nodeTwo.getSubtotalCount(nodeTwo.isOpen() || !openedOnly)) {
                equal = false;

            // check calculators if any
            // openedOnly: get subtotal count according to the open stats of node
            // !openedOnly: get subtotal count as the node is opened
            if (node.getSubtotalCount(node.isOpen() || !openedOnly) > 0) {
                Calculator[] cals = node.getField().getSubtotals();
                Calculator[] calsTwo = nodeTwo.getField().getSubtotals();
                for (j = 0; j < cals.length; j++) {
                    Calculator cal = cals[j];
                    Calculator calTwo = calsTwo[j];

                    // label and label key should be euqal
                    if (!cal.getLabel().equals(calTwo.getLabel())
                        || !cal.getLabelKey().equals(calTwo.getLabelKey())) {
                        equal = false;
        return equal;

     * get a list of key to this node
     * @param node pivot header node
     * @return
    public static List<Object> getNodeKeys (PivotHeaderNode node) {
        List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<Object>();
        if (node != null) {
            while (node.getDepth() > 0) {
                keys.add(0, node.getKey());
                node = node.getParent();
        return keys;
     * get the status of a cell
     * @param model the base pivot model to compare
     * @param cell the attributes denote a cell
     * @param value the new value
     * @return<br>
     * "up": new value is larger than old value of that cell in base pivot model<br>
     * "down": new value is smaller than old value of that cell in base pivot model<br>
     * null: otherwise
    public static String getDirection (TabularPivotModel model, CellAttributes cell, Number value) {
        String dir = null;
        double base = 0.0;
        if (value != null) {
            Number oldValue = getValue(model, cell);
            if (oldValue != null) {
                base = oldValue.doubleValue();
            double newValue = value.doubleValue();
            dir = newValue > base? "up" :
                    newValue < base? "down" : null;
        return dir;
     * get value from a model based on cellAttr
     * @param model the model to get value
     * @param cellAttr the attributes represent a specific cell
     * @return
    public static Number getValue (TabularPivotModel model, CellAttributes cellAttr) {
        PivotHeaderNode row = findNode(model.getRowHeaderTree().getRoot(), cellAttr.getRowKeys());
        PivotHeaderNode col = findNode(model.getColumnHeaderTree().getRoot(), cellAttr.getColKeys());
        int dataIdx = findDataFieldIndex(model, cellAttr.getDataFieldName());
        int rowCalIdx = -1;
        int colCalIdx = -1;
        if (row != null) {
            rowCalIdx = findCalculatorIndex(row, cellAttr.getRowCalculatorLabelKey());
        if (col != null) {
            colCalIdx = findCalculatorIndex(col, cellAttr.getColCalculatorLabelKey());
        if (row == NODE_NOT_FOUND // row should exists
            || col == NODE_NOT_FOUND // col should exists
            || dataIdx == INDEX_NOT_FOUND // data field should exists
            || rowCalIdx == INDEX_NOT_FOUND // row calculator should exists if _rowCalculatorLabelKey is not null
            || colCalIdx == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) { // column calculator should exists if _colCalculatorLabelKey is not null
            return null;
        return model.getValue(row, rowCalIdx, col, colCalIdx, dataIdx);
     * find the corresponding node in a pivot model
     * @param root The root of pivot header tree to search the corresponding node
     * @param keys list of node key
     * @return PivotHeaderNode the corresponding node, NODE_NOT_FOUND denotes not found
    public static PivotHeaderNode findNode (PivotHeaderNode root, List<Object> keys) {
        PivotHeaderNode node = null;
        boolean found = true;
        node = root;
        if (keys == null || keys.size() == 0) {
            return root; // grand total
        // for each key
        for (Object o : keys) {
            if (found) { // stop if not found in previous loop
                found = false;
                // search until found a row with the key
                for (PivotHeaderNode child : node.getChildren()) {
                    if (child.getKey().equals(o)) {
                        node = child;
                        found = true;

        return found? node : // header nood
            NODE_NOT_FOUND; // not found
     * Search the corresponding data field index in a pivot model
     * @param model the model to search
     * @param fieldName the name of data field
     * @return int the corresponding data field index, INDEX_NOT_FOUND denotes not found
    public static int findDataFieldIndex (TabularPivotModel model, String fieldName) {
        // field name should not be null
        if (fieldName != null) {
            TabularPivotField[] dataFields = model.getDataFields();
            for (int idx = 0; idx < dataFields.length; idx++) {
                if (dataFields[idx].getFieldName().equals(fieldName)) {
                    return idx;
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND; // not found
     * Search the corresponding calculator index of a pivot field
     * @param field the field to search
     * @param labelKey the labelKey of calculator
     * @return int the corresponding calculator index, INDEX_NOT_FOUND denotes not found
    public static int findCalculatorIndex (PivotHeaderNode node, String labelKey) {
        if (labelKey == null) return -1;
        Calculator[] cals = node.getField().getSubtotals();
        for (int i = 0; i < cals.length; i++) {
            if (cals[i].getLabelKey().equals(labelKey)) {
                return i;
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND; // not found

Post the event of node open/close of pivottable.

package test;

import org.zkoss.pivot.Pivottable;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events;

public class CustomPivottable extends Pivottable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4770700380255057252L;

    public void service(AuRequest request, boolean everError) {
        String cmd = request.getCommand();
        super.service(request, everError);
        // post onPivotNodeOpen event
        if ("onPivotNodeOpen".equals(cmd)) {
            Events.postEvent("onPivotNodeOpen", this, request.getData());

Attributes used to denote a cell in current view of pivottable

package test;

 * attributes used to denote a cell in current view of pivottable
 * and the index points to old value while
 * loop through values and build update script as needed
 * @author benbai123
public class Position {
    // index of current row in the view
    private int _rowIdx = 0;
    // index of current column in the view
    private int _colIdx = 0;
    // index to get stored value
    private int _ptr = 0;
    // constructor
    public Position (int rowIdx, int colIdx) {
        _rowIdx = rowIdx;
        _colIdx = colIdx;
    // move to next row
    public void toNextRow () {
    // control
    public void increaseRow () {
    public void increaseCol () {
    public void resetCol () {
        _colIdx = 0;
    // getters
    public int getRowIdx () {
        return _rowIdx;
    public int getColIdx () {
        return _colIdx;
    public int getPtr () {
        _ptr ++;
        return _ptr - 1;

Attributes used to denotes a specific cell

package test;

import java.util.List;

 * attributes used to denotes a specific cell
 * @author benbai123
public class CellAttributes {
    // keys to denote a row node
    private List<Object> _rowKeys;
    // keys to denote a column node
    private List<Object> _colKeys;
    // name to denotes a data field
    private String _dataFieldName;
    // labelKey to denote a row calculator
    private String _rowCalculatorLabelKey;
    // labelKey to denote a column calculator
    private String _colCalculatorLabelKey;

    // constructor
    public CellAttributes (List<Object> rowKeys, List<Object> colKeys, String dataFieldName,
            String rowCalculatorLabelKey, String colCalculatorLabelKey) {
        _rowKeys = rowKeys;
        _colKeys = colKeys;
        _dataFieldName = dataFieldName;
        _rowCalculatorLabelKey = rowCalculatorLabelKey;
        _colCalculatorLabelKey = colCalculatorLabelKey;
     * used to reset all attributes
     * @param rowKeys
     * @param colKeys
     * @param dataFieldName
     * @param rowCalculatorLabelKey
     * @param colCalculatorLabelKey
    public void updateAttributes (List<Object> rowKeys, List<Object> colKeys, String dataFieldName,
            String rowCalculatorLabelKey, String colCalculatorLabelKey) {
        _rowKeys = rowKeys;
        _colKeys = colKeys;
        _dataFieldName = dataFieldName;
        _rowCalculatorLabelKey = rowCalculatorLabelKey;
        _colCalculatorLabelKey = colCalculatorLabelKey;
    // setters/getters
    public void setRowKeys (List<Object> rowKeys) {
        _rowKeys = rowKeys;
    public List<Object> getRowKeys () {
        return _rowKeys;
    public void setColKeys (List<Object> colKeys) {
        _colKeys = colKeys;
    public List<Object> getColKeys () {
        return _colKeys;
    public void setDataFieldName (String dataFieldName) {
        _dataFieldName = dataFieldName;
    public String getDataFieldName () {
        return _dataFieldName;
    public void setRowCalculatorLabelKey (String rowCalculatorLabelKey) {
        _rowCalculatorLabelKey = rowCalculatorLabelKey;
    public String getRowCalculatorLabelKey () {
        return _rowCalculatorLabelKey;
    public void setColCalculatorLabelKey (String colCalculatorLabelKey) {
        _colCalculatorLabelKey = colCalculatorLabelKey;
    public String getColCalculatorLabelKey () {
        return _colCalculatorLabelKey;

The Result

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