This post is about Sort the Search Result in Lucene 3.5.0.
The Program
package test.lucene.testtwo;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException;
import test.lucene.utils.DateUtils;
import test.lucene.wrapper.WrappedDocument;
import test.lucene.wrapper.WrappedIndexWriter;
import test.lucene.wrapper.WrappedQuery;
import test.lucene.wrapper.WrappedSearcher;
import test.lucene.wrapper.WrappedSort;
public class SortTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create WrappedIndexWriter
WrappedIndexWriter wiw = new WrappedIndexWriter();
long oneDay = 1000L*60*60*24;
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// create dates
Date dateOne = new Date(currentTime - (oneDay*30)); // 30 days ago
Date dateTwo = new Date(currentTime - (oneDay*20)); // 20 days ago
Date dateThree = new Date(currentTime - (oneDay*10)); // 10 days ago
Date dateFour = new Date(currentTime); // just now
// convert dates to strings
String sdOne = DateUtils.getStringMillis(dateOne);
String sdTwo = DateUtils.getStringMillis(dateTwo);
String sdThree = DateUtils.getStringMillis(dateThree);
String sdFour = DateUtils.getStringMillis(dateFour);
// Create IndexWriter
// add Documents and close
// based on the Javadoc, the sort field (time)
// should be NOT_ANALYZED
wiw.addDocument(new WrappedDocument("title", "Test Title One")
.addField("content", "Test Content One")
.addField("time", sdOne, true, false)
.addDocument(new WrappedDocument("title", "Test Title Two")
.addField("content", "Test Content Two")
.addField("time", sdTwo, true, false)
.addDocument(new WrappedDocument("title", "Test Title Three")
.addField("content", "Test Content Three")
.addField("time", sdThree, true, false)
.addDocument(new WrappedDocument("title", "Test Title Four")
.addField("content", "Test Content Four")
.addField("time", sdFour, true, false)
// create WrappedSearcher, initiate searcher
WrappedSearcher ws = new WrappedSearcher().initSearcher(wiw);
// do search by range query of date
// not include upper bound, include lower bound,
// result: dateOne and dateTwo
// Sort by time descending
searchAndDisplay(wiw, ws,
new WrappedQuery()
.createTermRangeQuery("time", sdOne, sdThree.toString(), true, false),
"time", true);
// do search by range query of date
// include upper bound and lower bound
// results: from dateTwo to dateFour
// Sort by time ascending
searchAndDisplay(wiw, ws,
new WrappedQuery()
.createTermRangeQuery("time", sdTwo.toString(), sdFour.toString(), true, true),
"time", false);
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void searchAndDisplay (WrappedIndexWriter wiw, WrappedSearcher ws, WrappedQuery wq,
String sortField, boolean reverse)
throws IOException, ParseException, java.text.ParseException {
ScoreDoc[] results = ws.doSearch( wq, 10,
new WrappedSort(new SortField(sortField, SortField.STRING, reverse)));
// display results
System.out.println(results.length + " results.");
for(int i=0; i < results.length; i++) {
int docId = results[i].doc;
Document doc = ws.getIndexSearcher().doc(docId);
System.out.println((i + 1) + "\ttitle: " + doc.get("title")
+ "\n\tcontent: " + doc.get("content")
+ "\n\tcontent: " + DateUtils.stringToDate(doc.get("time"))
+ "\n");
This is the main program,
very similar to the in this post
only change the time field to NOT_ANALYZED and add the Sort condition.
package test.lucene.wrapper;
import java.util.*;
* This class wrap the Sort class of Lucene so that we can
* add SortField(s) and keep them append new SortField easily
* until we really need the Sort
public class WrappedSort {
private Sort _sort; // Sort
private List<SortField> _sortFields = new LinkedList<SortField>(); // SortField(s)
* Constructor that only create the instance of Sort
public WrappedSort () {
* Constructor that create the instance of Sort and add one SortField
* @param sortField The SortField to add
public WrappedSort (SortField sortField) {
* Constructor that create the instance of Sort and add a SortField List
* @param sortFields The List of SortField to add
public WrappedSort (List<SortField> sortFields) {
* Create/renew the instance of Sort
* @return Self instance so we can do something else directly.
public WrappedSort createSort () {
_sort = new Sort();
return this;
* Renew the instance of the List of SortField
* @return Self instance so we can do something else directly.
public WrappedSort createSortField () {
_sortFields = new LinkedList<SortField>();
return this;
* Add one SortField
* @param sortField The SortField to add
* @return Self instance so we can do something else directly.
public WrappedSort addSortField (SortField sortField) {
return this;
* Add a List of SortField
* @param sortFields The List of SortField to add
* @return Self instance so we can do something else directly.
public WrappedSort addSortFields (List<SortField> sortFields) {
return this;
* Get the List of SortField
* @return The List of SortField
public List<SortField> getSortFields () {
return _sortFields;
* Set SortField(s) to Sort and return the instance of Sort.
* @return The instance of Sort
public Sort getNativeSort () {
if (_sortFields.size() == 1)
return _sort;
This class wrap the Lucene Sort class that
store the Sort instance and the SortFields in it.
The fragment added to
* Do search with the given Sort and return the results
* @param wq WrappedQuery
* @param resultsPerPage
* @param ws WrappedSort
* @return ScoreDoc[] The results
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
public ScoreDoc[] doSearch (WrappedQuery wq, int resultsPerPage, WrappedSort ws)
throws IOException, ParseException{
return, resultsPerPage, ws.getNativeSort()).scoreDocs;
This fragment do search with Sort.
The Result
The first search sort dateOne and dateTwo in descending order,
the second search sort dateTwo to dateFour in ascending order.
The full project is at github: