We have implemented 'Display Data in ZK Pivottable' in previous post (, in this post, we will try to sort the column data in pivottable.
The Composer
package test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotHeaderNode;
import org.zkoss.pivot.Pivottable;
import org.zkoss.pivot.event.PivotUIEvent;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.SimplePivotHeaderTree;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotModel;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.MouseEvent;
* Tested with ZK 6.0.1 CE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0
public class TestComposer extends SelectorComposer {
* generated serial version UID
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2897873399288955635L;
private TabularPivotModel _pivotModel;
private Pivottable pivottable;
private int _rowLevelToSort = 1; // the level of rows to sort
private int _fieldIndexToSort = 0; // the index of data field under _sortColumn
private PivotHeaderNode _columnNodeToSort; // the column node with respect to _sortColumn
* Get pivottable's model
* @return TabularPivotModel the pivottable's model
* @throws Exception
public TabularPivotModel getPivotModel () throws Exception {
if (_pivotModel == null) {
_pivotModel = new TabularPivotModel(getData(), getColumns());
// assign rows, the order matches to the level of row node field
_pivotModel.setFieldType("Row_Level_001", PivotField.Type.ROW);
_pivotModel.setFieldType("Row_Level_002", PivotField.Type.ROW);
_pivotModel.setFieldType("Row_Level_003", PivotField.Type.ROW);
_pivotModel.setFieldType("Row_Level_004", PivotField.Type.ROW);
// assign columns, the order matches to the level of column node field
_pivotModel.setFieldType("Column_Level_001", PivotField.Type.COLUMN);
_pivotModel.setFieldType("Column_Level_002", PivotField.Type.COLUMN);
// assign datas, the order matches to the order of data field
_pivotModel.setFieldType("Data_Field_001", PivotField.Type.DATA);
_pivotModel.setFieldType("Data_Field_002", PivotField.Type.DATA);
_pivotModel.setFieldType("Data_Field_003", PivotField.Type.DATA);
return _pivotModel;
* prepare the data for pivottable's model
* The order of object put into data list matches
* the order of column name's order
* @return
* @throws Exception
public List<List<Object>> getData() throws Exception {
List<List<Object>> result = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
List<Object> data = new ArrayList<Object>();
data.add("Row_Level_001 - " + (r.nextInt(10) + 1));
data.add("Row_Level_002 - " + (r.nextInt(10) + 1));
data.add("Row_Level_003 - " + (r.nextInt(10) + 1));
data.add("Row_Level_004 - " + (r.nextInt(10) + 1));
data.add("Column_Level_001 - " + (r.nextInt(10) + 1));
data.add("Column_Level_002 - " + (r.nextInt(10) + 1));
data.add(r.nextDouble() * 10000.0);
return result;
* prepare columns name for pivottable's model
* @return
public List<String> getColumns() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[]{
"Row_Level_001", "Row_Level_002", "Row_Level_003", "Row_Level_004",
"Column_Level_001", "Column_Level_002",
"Data_Field_001", "Data_Field_002", "Data_Field_003"
* ** Added **
* sort column ascending
@Listen("onClick = #btnSortAsc")
public void doSortAscending (MouseEvent event) {
* ** Added **
* sort column descending
@Listen("onClick = #btnSortDesc")
public void doSortDescending (MouseEvent event) {
* ** Added **
* sort column
* @param ascending boolean, true: ascending, false: descending
private void doSort (boolean ascending) {
if (_columnNodeToSort != null) {
// get the rowHeaderTree
SimplePivotHeaderTree rowHeaderTree = (SimplePivotHeaderTree)_pivotModel.getRowHeaderTree();
// create comparator
ColumnHeaderComparator comparator = new ColumnHeaderComparator(_pivotModel,
_columnNodeToSort, _fieldIndexToSort, _rowLevelToSort, ascending);
// do sort
// reset model to trigger rerender
* ** Added **
* Update sort attributes from click event of pivottable
@Listen("onPivotPopup = #pivottable")
public void updateSortAttributes (PivotUIEvent e) {
PivotField dataField = e.getDataField();
_rowLevelToSort = e.getRowContext() != null? e.getRowContext().getNode().getDepth() : 0;
if (dataField != null) {
_columnNodeToSort = e.getColumnContext().getNode();
_fieldIndexToSort = getFieldIndexToSort(dataField.getFieldName(), _pivotModel.getDataFields());
* ** Added **
* get the index of the field to sort
* @param fieldToSort the field to sort
* @param fields all fields get from pivot model
* @return int the index of the field to sort
private int getFieldIndexToSort (String fieldToSort, TabularPivotField[] fields) {
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (fieldToSort.equals(fields[i].getFieldName()))
return i;
return 0;
There are two parts regarding to the sort feature, one is 'public void updateSortAttributes (PivotUIEvent e)', it updates the sorting attributes when a data cell or a row head clicked, the other is 'private void doSort (boolean ascending)', it will sort a column's data with respect to the sorting attributes while sort ascending / descending button clicked.
package test;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotHeaderNode;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotModel;
* ** Added **
* the comparator for sort row header node
* Tested with ZK 6.0.1 CE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0
public class ColumnHeaderComparator implements Comparator<PivotHeaderNode> {
private TabularPivotModel _pivotModel; // the data model
private PivotHeaderNode _columnNodeToSort; // the column node to sort
private int _fieldIndexToSort; // the field index of data fields to sort
private int _rowLevelToSort; // the row level to sort
private boolean _ascending; // sort direction
* Constructor
* @param pivotModel TabularPivotModel, The pivottable's model
* @param columnNodeToSort PivotHeaderNode, The column to sort
* @param fieldIndexToSort int, The index of the field under the columnNodeToSort to sort
* @param rowLevelToSort int, The level of row header node to sort
* @param ascending boolean, true: sort ascending, false: sort descending
public ColumnHeaderComparator (TabularPivotModel pivotModel, PivotHeaderNode columnNodeToSort,
int fieldIndexToSort, int rowLevelToSort, boolean ascending) {
_pivotModel = pivotModel;
_columnNodeToSort = columnNodeToSort;
_fieldIndexToSort = fieldIndexToSort;
_rowLevelToSort = rowLevelToSort;
_ascending = ascending;
* compare two node
public int compare (PivotHeaderNode n1, PivotHeaderNode n2) {
int result = 0;
// get the level of two node
int l1 = n1.getDepth();
int l2 = n2.getDepth();
// only compare if node is at sort level
if (l1 == _rowLevelToSort
&& l2 == _rowLevelToSort) {
// get the values and compare
Number v1 = _pivotModel.getValue(n1, -1, _columnNodeToSort, -1, _fieldIndexToSort);
Number v2 = _pivotModel.getValue(n2, -1, _columnNodeToSort, -1, _fieldIndexToSort);
result = (_ascending? 1 : -1 ) * (new BigDecimal(v1.toString()).compareTo(new BigDecimal(v2.toString())));
return result;
This is the comparator, the sorting result will depends on how you implement it.
The ZUL Page
<zk xmlns:w="client"><!-- ** Added ** namespace for Client Side Programming -->
<!-- Tested with ZK 6.0.1 CE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0 -->
<!-- ** Added ** the description of how to use sort feature -->
<label value="Description:" />
<label value="Click data cell to choose the column field to sort" />
<label value="The sort level will be the latest extended level of the clicked row" />
<label value="Click row header node to change the sort level" />
<label value="Click 'sort ascending' / 'sort descending' button to sort" />
<!-- window, apply a SelectorComposer -->
<window id="win" xmlns:w="client"
<!-- pivottable, get model from window's composer -->
<pivottable id="pivottable" model="${win$composer.pivotModel}">
<!-- ** Added ** Blank block for position the sort button -->
<!-- ** Added ** the sort button to do sort ascending / descending -->
<!-- The sort ascending button -->
<button id="btnSortAsc" label="Sort Ascending" />
<!-- The sort descending button -->
<button id="btnSortDesc" label="Sort Descending" />
<!-- ** Added ** define some style and override some function
for better user experience
actually the 'style' fragment and the 'script' fragment
are not related to the sort feature -->
<!-- style for focused data cell / row head -->
.focused-data-cell .z-pivottable-field-wrapper {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
.focused-row-head .z-pivottable-field-wrapper {
background-color: #AADDDD;
<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
var _Pwgt = {},
_Bwgt = {};
// override pivottable js function
zk.afterLoad("pivot", function () {
zk.override(pivot.Pivottable.prototype, _Pwgt, {
// override pivottable bind_ for restore the scrollLeft
bind_: function(desktop, skipper, after) {
_Pwgt.bind_.apply(this, arguments); //call the original method
var oldLeft;
if ( == 'pivottable') { // limit the affect target
if (oldLeft = pivot.Pivottable.pivottableOldLeft) {
var wgt = this;
setTimeout(function (){
wgt.$n('scroll').scrollLeft = oldLeft;
pivot.Pivottable.pivottableOldLeft = null;
}, 200);
// override pivottable doClick_ for style the clicked data cell or row head
doClick_: function (evt) {
_Pwgt.doClick_.apply(this, arguments); //call the original method
// clear old scroll if any
pivot.Pivottable.pivottableOldLeft = null;
if ( == 'pivottable') { // limit the affect target
var tar = evt.domTarget,
jtar = jq(tar),
if (!jtar.hasClass('z-pivottable-icon')) {
// click on data cell
if (jtar.hasClass('z-pivottable-cell-field')
|| ((tar = tar.parentNode) && (jtar = jq(tar)) && jtar.hasClass('z-pivottable-cell-field'))) {
// remove old focus
if (old = this._oldFocusDataCell) {
// also remove old row head's style, denotes use latest level as sort level
if (old = this._oldFocusRowHead) {
// add focus for denotes use clicked data field to do sort
this._oldFocusDataCell = jtar[0];
} else if (jtar.hasClass('z-pivottable-row-field')
|| ((tar = tar.parentNode) && (jtar = jq(tar)) && jtar.hasClass('z-pivottable-row-field'))) {
// click on row header node
// remove old focus
if (old = this._oldFocusRowHead) {
// add focus for denotes use specific sort level
this._oldFocusRowHead = jtar[0];
// override button js function
zk.afterLoad("zul.wgt", function () {
zk.override(zul.wgt.Button.prototype, _Bwgt, {
// override doClick_ for store old pivottable scrollLeft
doClick_: function (evt) {
_Bwgt.doClick_.apply(this, arguments); //call the original method
var id =;
if (id == 'btnSortAsc'
|| id == 'btnSortDesc') { // limit the affect target
// store the old scrollLeft of pivottable
pivot.Pivottable.pivottableOldLeft =
The majore part is the two button added, others are only make things better but not related to the sort feature.
The Result
View the demo flash on line
You can find the flash file at github:
The full project is at github