Sunday, April 21, 2013

ZK Pivottable: Filter Row or Column Header Value


This article describe how to use the value of row or column field as filter to filter raw data.


Pass Event to Other Component

ZK Pivottable: Display Data in ZK Pivottable

ZK Pivottable: Sync the Open Status of Pivotmodel

ZK Pivottable: Sync Structure of Pivot Model

ZK Pivottable: Get Distinct Values of Field

The Program


A pivottable and a filter

    <!-- Tested with ZK 6.0.1 CE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0 -->
    <!-- window, apply a SelectorComposer -->
    <window id="win" xmlns:w="client"
        <!-- pivottable, get model from window's composer -->
        <pivottable id="pivottable" model="${win$composer.pivotModel}" />
        <div style="margin-top: 10px;">
            Filter info:
            <label id="lb" />
        <!-- filter list -->
        <div id="filter" />

Provide model, listen to onPivotPopup to update filter list, listen to onFilterChanged to update pivottable with filtered data.

package test;

import java.util.List;
import org.zkoss.pivot.Pivottable;

import org.zkoss.pivot.event.PivotUIEvent;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotModel;
import org.zkoss.zul.Div;
import org.zkoss.zul.Label;

 * Tested with ZK 6.0.2 EE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0
 * @author benbai123
public class TestComposer extends SelectorComposer {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8249566421884806620L;
    Pivottable pivottable;
    Div filter; // div that will contain filter list
    Label lb; // filter info
    // pivot model with the 'whole' raw data
    private TabularPivotModel _pivotModel;
    // model provider, provide the columns, raw data and pivot model
    private PivotModelProvider _modelProvider = new PivotModelProvider();

    // handler to do the works of filter
    // NOTE: Renew it if changed to a complete different model
    private FilterHandler _filterHandler = new FilterHandler();

     * Get pivottable's model
     * @return TabularPivotModel the pivottable's model
     * @throws Exception
    public TabularPivotModel getPivotModel () throws Exception {
        if (_pivotModel == null) {
            _pivotModel = _modelProvider.getPivotModel();
        return PVTUtils.cloneModelWithData(_pivotModel, getFilteredData());

     * update the selected field for filter
     * @param e
    @Listen("onPivotPopup = #pivottable")
    public void updateFilterIndex (PivotUIEvent e) {
        if (e.getRowContext() != null
            && e.getColumnContext() == null) {
            // clicked on row field
        } else if (e.getRowContext() == null
                && e.getColumnContext() != null) {
            // clicked on column field
     * called while filter is changed
     * update filter value of selected field
     * @param event
    @Listen("onFilterChanged = #pivottable")
    public void updateLimit (FilterChangedEvent event) {
        _filterHandler.updateLimit(event.getFieldName(), event.getValue(), event.isChecked());
     * update the filter list
     * @param field the field to update filter list
    private void updateFilter (TabularPivotField field) {
        // update field info label
        lb.setValue("field type: " + field.getType() + ", field name: " + field.getFieldName());
     * update pivottable with filtered pivot model
    private void updatePivottable () {
        // store current structure at first
        PVTUtils.syncModelStructure((TabularPivotModel)pivottable.getModel(), _pivotModel);
        TabularPivotModel filteredModel = PVTUtils.cloneModelWithData(_pivotModel, getFilteredData());
     * get the filtered data
     * @return
    private Iterable<List<Object>> getFilteredData () {
        return _filterHandler.filterData(_pivotModel, _modelProvider.getColumns(), getRawData());
     * get complete raw data
     * @return
    private Iterable<List<Object>> getRawData () {
        return (Iterable<List<Object>>)_pivotModel.getRawData();

Provide base model, raw data and columns.

package test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotModel;

public class PivotModelProvider {
    // pivot model with the 'whole' raw data
    private TabularPivotModel _pivotModel;
     * Get pivottable's model
     * @return TabularPivotModel the pivottable's model
     * @throws Exception
    public TabularPivotModel getPivotModel () {
        if (_pivotModel == null) {
            _pivotModel = new TabularPivotModel(getData(), getColumns());

            // assign rows, the order matches to the level of row node field
            _pivotModel.setFieldType("Row_01", PivotField.Type.ROW);
            _pivotModel.setFieldType("Row_02", PivotField.Type.ROW);
            _pivotModel.setFieldType("Row_03", PivotField.Type.ROW);

            // assign columns, the order matches to the level of column node field
            _pivotModel.setFieldType("Column_01", PivotField.Type.COLUMN);
            _pivotModel.setFieldType("Column_02", PivotField.Type.COLUMN);

            // assign datas, the order matches to the order of data field
            _pivotModel.setFieldType("Data_01", PivotField.Type.DATA);
            _pivotModel.setFieldType("Data_02", PivotField.Type.DATA);
            _pivotModel.setFieldType("Data_03", PivotField.Type.DATA);
        return _pivotModel;
     * prepare columns name for pivottable's model
     * @return
    public List<String> getColumns() {
        return Arrays.asList(new String[]{
                "Row_01", "Row_02", "Row_03",
                "Column_01", "Column_02",
                "Data_01", "Data_02", "Data_03"
     * prepare the data for pivottable's model
     * The order of object put into data list matches
     * the order of column name's order
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    private List<List<Object>> getData() {
        List<List<Object>> result = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
        Random r = new Random();

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            List<Object> data = new ArrayList<Object>();
            data.add("Row_01 - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1));
            data.add("Row_02 - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1));
            data.add("Row_03 - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1));
            data.add("Column_01 - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1));
            data.add("Column_02 - " + (r.nextInt(5) + 1));
            data.add(r.nextDouble() * 10000.0);
        return result;

Handle filter task

package test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.zkoss.pivot.Pivottable;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotModel;
import org.zkoss.pivot.util.PivotModels;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.CheckEvent;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events;
import org.zkoss.zul.Checkbox;
import org.zkoss.zul.Div;
import org.zkoss.zul.Listbox;
import org.zkoss.zul.Listcell;
import org.zkoss.zul.Listitem;

 * Class to handle tasks with respect to filter
 * NOTE: A FilterHandler is rely on a specific set of fields and
 * should be renew after the fields of pivot model are changed 
 * Tested with ZK 6.0.2 EE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0
 * @author benbai123
public class FilterHandler {
     * map that contains all Limit object
     * use field name as the key
    private Map<String, Limit> _fieldsLimitsMap = new HashMap<String, Limit>();
     * map that contains all field index
     * use field name as the key
    private Map<String, Integer> _indexMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();;

    public void updateFilter (Pivottable pivottable, TabularPivotField field, List<String> columns, Iterable<List<Object>> rawData, Div filter) {
        List distinctValues = PVTUtils.getDistinctValues(rawData, columns, getFieldIndex(columns, field.getFieldName()));
        updateFilterList(pivottable, distinctValues, field, filter);
     * update the limited values of a field
     * @param fieldName the name of the field to update
     * @param value the value to update
     * @param accept whether accept the value above
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    public void updateLimit (String fieldName, Object value, boolean accept) {
        // try find Limit object
        Limit limit = _fieldsLimitsMap.get(fieldName);
        // create a new one if not found
        if (limit == null) {
            limit = new Limit(fieldName, new HashSet());
            _fieldsLimitsMap.put(fieldName, limit);
        // remove value from limited values if the value is accepted
        // add value to limited values if the value is not accepted
        if (accept) {
        } else {
     * filter data by limits
     * @param model pivot model, get all row/column fields from it
     * @param rawData raw data, to filter it
     * @return the filtered raw data
    public Iterable<List<Object>> filterData (TabularPivotModel model, final List<String> columns, Iterable<List<Object>> rawData) {
        // field name of row/column fields
        final List<String> rcColumns = new ArrayList<String>();
        // keep a final object of limit map so can be used in inner class
        final Map<String, Limit> limits = _fieldsLimitsMap;
        // add all row/column field names
        for (TabularPivotField tpf : model.getRowFields()) {
        for (TabularPivotField tpf : model.getColumnFields()) {
        return PivotModels.filter(rawData, new PivotModels.Filter<List<Object>>() {
            public boolean keep(List<Object> row) {
                // for each row/column (field names)
                for (String s : rcColumns) {
                    // find Limit object
                    Limit l = limits.get(s);
                    if (l != null) {
                        // find value index
                        int index = getFieldIndex(columns, s);
                        // get value
                        Object value = row.get(index);
                        // do not keep the value if the value is in limit
                        if (l.getLimitedValues().contains(value)) {
                            return false;
                return true;
     * create the filter list
     * @param pivottable pivottable, to fire onFilterChanged event as needed
     * @param distinctValues all different values, used to construct the filter list
     * @param field pivot field, used to get fieldName
     * @param filter the div component specified in index.zul
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    private void updateFilterList (final Pivottable pivottable, List distinctValues, final TabularPivotField field, Div filter) {
        // clear old children

        Listbox lb = new Listbox();
        final String fieldName = field.getFieldName();
        Limit limit = _fieldsLimitsMap.get(fieldName);

        // for each value of this field
        for (final Object value : distinctValues) {
            Listitem li = new Listitem();
            Listcell lc = new Listcell();
            Checkbox cb = new Checkbox(value.toString());

            // update checked status of checkbox according to
            // whether this value is a limited value
            if (limit != null && limit.getLimitedValues().contains(value)) {
            } else {

            // add onCheck event listener to checkbox
            cb.addEventListener("onCheck", new EventListener() {
                public void onEvent (Event event) {
                    // fire event to pivottable with
                    // the information of changed filter attributes
                    Events.postEvent(new FilterChangedEvent(pivottable, fieldName, value, ((CheckEvent)event).isChecked() ));
        // add listbox to div
     * get the index in raw data of a field
     * @param columns columns used in pivot model
     * @param fieldName name of the field to search index
     * @return int the found index
    private int getFieldIndex (List<String> columns, String fieldName) {
        // search it from index map at first
        if (!_indexMap.containsKey(fieldName)) {
            int index = PVTUtils.getFieldIndex(columns, fieldName);
            // store it to index map
            _indexMap.put(fieldName, index);
        return _indexMap.get(fieldName);

Utils of pivottable

package test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.PivotHeaderNode;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotField;
import org.zkoss.pivot.impl.TabularPivotModel;
 * utilities for pivottable
 * Tested with ZK 6.0.2 EE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0
 * @author benbai123
public class PVTUtils {
     * Create a new pivot model based on
     * current pivot model and new data 
     * @param model
     * @param newData
     * @return
    public static TabularPivotModel cloneModelWithData (TabularPivotModel model, Iterable<List<Object>>newData) {
        TabularPivotField[] fields = model.getFields();

        // get columns from old model
        List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>();
        // set field
        for (TabularPivotField tpf : fields) {

        TabularPivotModel newModel = new TabularPivotModel(newData, columns);
        PVTUtils.syncModelStructure(model, newModel);
        return newModel;
     * get the index in raw data of a field
     * @param columns columns used in pivot model
     * @param fieldName name of the field to search index
     * @return int the found index
    public static int getFieldIndex (List<String> columns, String fieldName) {
        int index = -1;
        // search field name in columns
        for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
            if (columns.get(i).equals(fieldName)) {
                index = i;
        return index;
     * get all different values of a field
     * @param rawData the raw data to get different values from
     * @param columns all columns in pivot model
     * @param index the index to get value from list
     * @return
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static List getDistinctValues (Iterable<List<Object>> rawData, List<String> columns, int index) {
        // set used to hold distinct values
        Set s = new HashSet();
        // result list
        List result = new ArrayList();

        if (index == -1) return result;
        // add all value to set directly
        for (List<Object> data : rawData) {
        // copy to list then sort the list
        for (Object o : s) {
        return result;
     * sync the structure of pivot model
     * @param model the base pivot model
     * @param modelTwo the pivot model to adjust its structure
    public static void syncModelStructure (TabularPivotModel model, TabularPivotModel modelTwo) {
        syncFields(model.getRowFields(), modelTwo);
        syncFields(model.getColumnFields(), modelTwo);
        syncFields(model.getDataFields(), modelTwo);
        syncFields(model.getFields(PivotField.Type.UNUSED), modelTwo);
        syncOpenStatus(model.getRowHeaderTree().getRoot(), modelTwo.getRowHeaderTree().getRoot(), false);
        syncOpenStatus(model.getColumnHeaderTree().getRoot(), modelTwo.getColumnHeaderTree().getRoot(), false);
     * sync pivot fields of pivot model
     * @param fields the base fields
     * @param model the pivot model to adjust its fields
    private static void syncFields (TabularPivotField[] fields, TabularPivotModel model) {
        for (TabularPivotField f : fields) {
            model.setFieldType(f.getFieldName(), f.getType());

            PivotField field = model.getField(f.getFieldName());
            model.setFieldSubtotals(field, f.getSubtotals());
            model.setFieldKeyComparator(field, f.getComparator());
     * Synchronize the open status of two pivot header trees
     * @param root the root of the base pivot header tree (or its sub trees)
     * @param rootTwo the root of the pivot header tree (or its sub trees) to sync
     * @param checkAll whether sync whole tree, <br>
     * true: sync whole tree, put every node of base pivot header tree into open list to sync<br>
     * false: sync only current view, only put the displayed node into open list to sync
    private static void syncOpenStatus (PivotHeaderNode root, PivotHeaderNode rootTwo, boolean checkAll) {
        Map<Object, PivotHeaderNode> originalOpenMap = new HashMap<Object, PivotHeaderNode>();

        // sync displayed node only if not checkAll
        // so do not need to scan whole header tree
        for (PivotHeaderNode node : root.getChildren()) {
            // checkAll: sync each node
            // !checkAll: sync displayed node
            if (checkAll
                || (node.getDepth() == 1 || node.getParent().isOpen())) {
                originalOpenMap.put(node.getKey(), node);
        // for each node in children of rootTwo
        for (PivotHeaderNode newNode : rootTwo.getChildren()) {
            PivotHeaderNode node = originalOpenMap.get(newNode.getKey());
            if (node != null) {
                // recursively sync sub trees
                syncOpenStatus(node, newNode, checkAll);

Contains the restricted values of a pivot field

package test;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

 * Class for hold limited values of a field
 * Tested with ZK 6.0.2 EE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0
 * @author benbai123
public class Limit {
    // the name to represent a specific field
    private String _fieldName;
    // the limited values
    private Set<Object> _limitedValues;
    public Limit (String fieldName, Set<Object> limitedValues) {
        _fieldName = fieldName;
        _limitedValues = limitedValues;
        if (_limitedValues == null) {
            _limitedValues = new HashSet<Object>();
    public String getFieldName () {
        return _fieldName;
    public Set<Object> getLimitedValues () {
        return _limitedValues;

Event that will be fired when the filter is changed.

package test;

import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event;

 * Event used to pass the information of updated filter
 * Event name is "onFilterChanged"
 * Tested with ZK 6.0.2 EE and ZK Pivottable 2.0.0
 * @author benbai123
public class FilterChangedEvent extends Event {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5055917746546499563L;
     * whether a value is checked in filter list,
     * true: checked (denotes this value is allowed)
     * false: not checked (denotes this value is not allowed)
    private boolean _checked = true;
     * the updated filter value
    private Object _value;
     * the field related to the updated filter
    private String _fieldName;
    // constructor, 
    public FilterChangedEvent (Component target, String fieldName, Object value, boolean checked) {
        super("onFilterChanged", target);
        _checked = checked;
        _fieldName = fieldName;
        _value = value;
    public String getFieldName () {
        return _fieldName;
    public Object getValue () {
        return _value;
    public boolean isChecked () {
        return _checked;


Filtering input data

The Result

View demo on line


Full project at github

Demo Flash

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