cygstart :
open a program, it can be anything, such like google chrome,
eclipse notpad++, media or text files, for example:
cygstart "C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe"
alias :
useful for shrink the command length, for example:
alias notepad='cygstart "C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe"'
then type "notepad" and press enter, the notepad++ will be launched
combine these in bash:
alias chrome='cygstart "C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"'
alias eclipse='cygstart C:/Java/eclipse/eclipse.exe'
alias notepad='cygstart "C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe"'
alias startwork='chrome;notepad;eclipse;'
then type "startwork" and press enter, chrome, eclipse and notepad++ are opened.
cp -r [from_file_path] [to_file_path] :
copy folder recursively
sed 's/oldString/newString/g' file_path
replace all oldString with newString and apply change to the file,
The option -i tells sed to edit the file“in-place”,
will save the modified result back to the file.
The result will be output to the console if it is omitted.
apt-cyg install unzip :
This will install the "unzip" program,
apt-cyg is a command-line software installer for Cygwin,
please refer to
jar -cvfM [jar_name] [file_to_include_one] [file_to_include_two] ...
Package a jar,
This is not a cygwin command but I always use it with cygwin
-c create new archive -v generate verbose output on standard output -f specify archive file name -M do not create a manifest file for the entries
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