Saturday, January 14, 2012

ZK Custom Component - Fancy Checkbox

As discussed here, we can make a fancy checkbox withing pure HTML,
in this post, we will talk about how to make ZK Checkbox component fancy.

Below is a normal ZK Checkbox:

 <checkbox label="normal checkbox" />

It works well and looks... normal, sometimes we want make it fancy.

View Demo Online

How to style it? There are several steps, described as follows:

Step 1: Throw out the normal checkbox.

ZK already separate the checkbox and label as follows:

We want replace the checkbox element with a fancy one, we have to throw it out at first. We can not just drop it because already a bunch of function depends on it.

We do it by using zk.afterLoad client side API to override the bind_ method of ZK Checkbox.
The checkbox after this step becomes:

    <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
        zk.afterLoad("zul.wgt", function () {
            // store the old bind_ method
            var oldBind_ = zul.wgt.Checkbox.prototype.bind_;
            zul.wgt.Checkbox.prototype.bind_ = function (desktop) {
                // do the old bind_ method first
                oldBind_.apply(this, arguments);
                // get the checkbox element,
                // the $n(surfix) get the element which
                // id is 'Component_id' + '-surfix'
                var checkbox = this.$n('real');
                if (checkbox) {
                    // throw it out
           = 'absolute';
           = '-9000px';
    <checkbox label="normal checkbox" />

The box is out of the screen, we can only see the label.

Step 2: Add the fancy element before the label.

The next step is add a fancy element as the box of the fancy checkbox.

The checkbox after this step becomes:

    <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
        zk.afterLoad("zul.wgt", function () {
            // store the old bind_ method
            var oldBind_ = zul.wgt.Checkbox.prototype.bind_;
            zul.wgt.Checkbox.prototype.bind_ = function (desktop) {
                // do the old bind_ method first
                oldBind_.apply(this, arguments);
                // get the checkbox element,
                // the $n(surfix) get the element which
                // id is 'Component_id' + '-surfix'
                var checkbox = this.$n('real');
                if (checkbox) {
                    // throw it out
           = 'absolute';
           = '-9000px';

                    var cls = 'fancy_default';
                    if ( < 8)
                        cls += ' fixinline';
                    // add fancy element after checkbox element
                    jq(checkbox).after('<div id="'
                            +this.uuid+'-fancy" class="'
        .fixinline {
            display: inline;
        .fancy_default {
            display: inline-block;
            height: 15px;
            width: 15px;
            margin-right: 2px;
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            background-image: url('img/fancy_default.png');
        .fancy_over {
            background-image: url('img/fancy_over.png');
        .fancy_down {
            background-image: url('img/fancy_down.png');
        .fancy_checked {
            background-image: url('img/fancy_checked.png');
        .fancy_disabled {
            background-color: #AAFFAA;
    <checkbox label="fancy checkbox" />

only the fancy default displayed now.

Step 3: Add the event with respect to each status.

To make it active, the event control is required.

Add style with mouseover/mousedown event and remove it while mouseout/mouseup,

also sync the checked/disabled status from the normal checkbox.

    <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
        zk.afterLoad("zul.wgt", function () {
            // store the old bind_ and setDisabled method
            var oldBind_ = zul.wgt.Checkbox.prototype.bind_;
            var oldSetDisabled = zul.wgt.Checkbox.prototype.setDisabled;
            zul.wgt.Checkbox.prototype.bind_ = function (desktop) {
                // do the old bind_ method first
                oldBind_.apply(this, arguments);
                // get the checkbox element,
                // the $n(surfix) get the element which
                // id is 'Component_id' + '-surfix'
                var checkbox = this.$n('real');
                if (checkbox) {
                    // throw it out
           = 'absolute';
           = '-9000px';

                    var cls = 'fancy_default';
                    if ( < 8)
                        cls += ' fixinline';
                    // add fancy element after checkbox element
                    jq(checkbox).after('<div id="'
                            +this.uuid+'-fancy" class="'
                    var fancy = this.$n('fancy');
                    if (fancy) {
                        var $fancy = jq(fancy),
                            label = fancy.nextSibling,
                            $label = jq(label);
                        if (checkbox.checked)
                        if (checkbox.disabled)
                        // change style and
                        // trigger event on original checkbox
                        // with respect to fancy checkbox's event
                        $fancy.mouseover(function () {
                            if (!$fancy.hasClass('fancy_disabled'))
                        $fancy.mouseout(function () {
                        $fancy.mousedown(function () {
                            if (!$fancy.hasClass('fancy_disabled'))
                        $fancy.mouseup(function () {
                            if (!$fancy.hasClass('fancy_disabled')) {                                
                                if (checkbox.checked)
                        // change fancy checkbox's style
                        // with original label's event
                        $label.mouseover(function () {
                            if (!$fancy.hasClass('fancy_disabled'))
                        $label.mouseout(function () {
                        $label.mousedown(function () {
                            if (!$fancy.hasClass('fancy_disabled'))
                        $label.mouseup(function () {
                        $ () {
                            // change style after original click
                            setTimeout(function () {
                                if (checkbox.checked)
                            }, 0);
            // sync disable status after it set by API
            zul.wgt.Checkbox.prototype.setDisabled = function (v) {
                var checkbox,
                oldSetDisabled.apply(this, arguments);
                if ((checkbox = this.$n('real'))
                    && (fancy = this.$n('fancy')))
                    if (checkbox.disabled)
        .fixinline {
            display: inline;
        .fancy_default {
            display: inline-block;
            height: 15px;
            width: 15px;
            margin-right: 2px;
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            background-image: url('img/fancy_default.png');
        .fancy_over {
            background-image: url('img/fancy_over.png');
        .fancy_down {
            background-image: url('img/fancy_down.png');
        .fancy_checked {
            background-image: url('img/fancy_checked.png');
        .fancy_disabled {
            background-color: #AAFFAA;
    <checkbox label="fancy checkbox" disabled="true" checked="true" />

the image above is a fancy checkbox with initial checked and disabled.

Step 4: Create a test case.

After the fancy checkbox is done, we should create a use case and test it.

the test case:

    public void updateResult(Label result) {
        String s = "You chose: ";
        Page page = result.getPage();
        Checkbox cbx = (Checkbox)page.getFellow("bread");
        if (cbx.isChecked())
            s += "bread, ";
        cbx = (Checkbox)page.getFellow("ham");
        if (cbx.isChecked())
            s += "ham, ";
        cbx = (Checkbox)page.getFellow("beef");
        if (cbx.isChecked())
            s += "beef, ";
<div height="15px" />
<checkbox label="food group">
    <attribute name="onClick">
    <div width="10px" />
        <checkbox id="bread"
            label="bread" disabled="true"
            onClick="updateResult(result);" /> 
        <checkbox id="ham"
            label="ham" checked="true" disabled="true"
            onClick="updateResult(result);" />
        <checkbox id="beef"
            label="beef" disabled="true"
            onClick="updateResult(result);" />
<label id="result" value="You chose: ham," />

The full resource with a demo flash can be downloaded from github

The project:
fancy_checkbox.zul is under WebContent at

ZK_fancy_checkbox_demo.swf is at

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